Wednesday, June 23, 2010

And the journey begins.....

Tuesday was the day......The process has been started. That doesn't mean I can't still back out but I've crossed a threshold that will make it difficult to turn back. So apparently this whole thing has had me pretty on edge. The evidence of this has manifested physically.

To clarify a bit...... I started looking into weight loss surgery some time ago. I never assumed that our insurance would cover it so I never dug into it very deeply. For some reason about a month ago I had a wild hair and just called up the insurance company. Come to find out our policy covers 100% after we meet our deductible as long as I meet certain criteria. Let's just say I more than meet the list of requirements set forth by them. So knowing insurance would cover the surgery, I decided to get some additional questions answered by attending a seminar sponsored by a local hospital. At the end of said seminar I scheduled the initial consult with the surgeon. This consult was yesterday (Tuesday). If all goes as planned I should have my surgery before the end of the year. End result from this should be me reaching my ideal weight of 135lbs. I can't remember ever weighing 135lbs. I don't think I will know what to do with myself. According to the will take me a year to 18 months for me to loose all of this excess weight. Seems I'll be living in sweatpants and t-shirts for awhile. No sense in buying new clothes as I'm shrinking is there??? WOW....I'm still not believing I'm doing this..... I've never been thin. As far back as I can remember, I've always been the fatty. Even as a child. I've gone through phases throughout my almost 40 years where my weight has been a big issue for me but for the most part I've tried not to fixate. Wow...just mind is racing.....a mix of excitement, anticipation, apprehension, fear, uncertainty, and worry. This will change everything not just for me.......I have a husband who loves me for who I am.